[ "BDV - Show Sources", "BDV - Show Sources (new Bdv window)", "BDV - Show Sources In Multiple BDV Windows", "Show Sources (split) (IJ1)", "BDV - Set Number Of Timepoints", "BDV - Create empty BDV window", "BDV - Create Orthogonal Views", "BDV - Screenshot", "BDV - Synchronize Views", "BDV - Remove Sources From BDV", "PopupLine", "Create Empty BVV Frame", "Show Sources in BVV", "PopupLine", "Set Sources Color", "Set Sources Brightness", "Make Sources Invisible", "Make Sources Visible", "Set Sources Projection Mode", "Create New Source (Set LUT)", "Create New Source (Set Color)", "PopupLine", "Manual Sources Transformation", "Basic Transformation", "Make Global Source Group", "Recenter sources", "PopupLine", "Save BDVDataset", "Inspect Sources", "PopupLine", "Add Metadata To Sources", "Make Metadata Filter Node", "PopupLine", "Export Sources to XML/HDF5 Spimdataset", "Delete Sources", "PopupLine" ]